Work on the lip sync...
funny, could have made a couple of those though...
Work on the lip sync...
funny, could have made a couple of those though...
You don't even have a preloader...
I mean you could at least download one. Also, if people don't like it, they can blam it if they want to. They don't need someone telling them what they can and cannot do. If its a trailer and it sucks, its deleted, it how the site works.
Agreed. What i meant was that there may be some people on the site who just might want to see this. All i want is for a pretty good amount of people to see it.
And errr....i couldn't find a preloader :$
Good try on putting comedy on a bad situation
Plus that shows awesome!
Yay! Someone with some sense! I'm just trying to lighten things up. Yes, it was a horrible thing, because we lost a 3 billion dollar shuttle.
Truly Insperational:s
All Your Tomorrow's Nobodies Are Great..Most Flashes Entertain Me, Maybe Make me Smile, But Your's Is One In A Rare Number Of Flashes That Actually Made Me Laugh. It Made me Laugh Throughout The Whole Thing Too. And You Kick Ass At Animating! Good Job.
wow neat thanks
Uh...Was That French Or Something?
Anyhoo kick ass graphics! Hope its protected, this kicks ass! Hate it when my cat kills my bird...
Yeah that blew
It Blew A Lot
Looks Pointless and gay.
Ok not much to get...
This, I think , is all it means: "Clears thoat" The STICK FIGURE IS GAY! HENCE "COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET"! and if im wrong, then, uh, poop
It's Alright..
But The Preloader Sounds Got REALLY Annoying REALLY Fast..Aside From That, It Wasn't Half Bad.
Half-thanks to you! The pre-loader was my impression of the portal: a machine that processed shit - crap in, crap out. Yes, its annoying.
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Age 36, Male
Lord Of Dance
Joined on 5/19/02